Thank you for registering

Your registration is currently pending verification by the Innovation Centre Team.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

Thank you for your patience, and we look forward to supporting you as a valued tenant at the Maidstone Innovation Centre!

Apply for a Business Account

Apply for a free business account to gain access.
Businesses are required to be directly associated to the Medtech, Life science and Healthcare sectors. Please fill in your details below and add evidence for approval.

Username *
Email address *
First name *
Last name *
Contact number *
Company *
Company Sector *
Password *
Confirm Password *
Upload Documents
Maximum file size: 50 MB

Apply for a free business account to gain access.
Businesses are required to provide us with documentation prior to booking. Please fill in your details below and add evidence for approval.

Additional information
Last Page

Business Information

Username *
Business name *
Type of business *
Description of business activities *
Registered company address *
Address for correspondence (if different) *

Personal Information

First name *
Last name *
Email address *
Contact number *
Password *
Confirm password *